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An Elusive Dream

Paul knows the Gospel crosses every boundary and eradicates racial and ethnic hatred. He’s given his life to proclaiming a Gospel that knits Jews and Gentiles into a new “family” rooted in Jesus. And yet, in Acts 21:37-22:22, when Paul tells a crowd of Jews who are zealous for the law that God sent him to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentiles they shout, “Rid the earth of him! He’s not fit to live!” These Jews embraced a segregationist theology that told them who was superior and who was inferior based on ethnicity. It’s a theology still at work in our country and churches today. Building a multi-ethnic church is an elusive dream. But it’s always been God’s vision to knit together a multi-ethnic, multi-racial people founded in Jesus. This week Pastor Dennis Allan talks through how the church is meant to be a signpost to the world that, in Jesus, unity and equality are possible.