Today, we celebrated as one, extended family dedicated four children and seven people were baptized. Which is why this week’s conversation, lead by Dennis Allan, is more a sermonette focused on baptism as the Christian’s pledge of allegiance. Baptism is a choice we make where we are naturalized into a new way of living and being, and where we pledge ultimate allegiance to King Jesus. When we’re baptized we join into what the apostle Paul refers to as a “new humanity.” According to Paul, in this “new humanity” there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither male nor female, neither slave nor free. These groups of people who had intentionally been separated from one another were now being joined together through Jesus. In baptism everything we are is subordinated to Jesus. Our identity. Our mission. Our way of living and being. Our financial resources. Our loves. Our affections. Our desires. Everything is now submitted to Jesus, because He is our King, and we are His Kingdom people.
Baptism is the Christian’s Pledge of Allegiance
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