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God’s Will Never Fails

This week, Pastor Shaq walks through Acts 25:1-12. Paul is now on trial for the third time, now before Festus. The Jewish leaders ask a “favor” of Festus – they want Paul transferred from Caesarea to Jerusalem because they’ve designed a plot to kill Paul. Festus, newly appointed to his role, wants to do a “favor” for the Jewish leaders. He asks Paul if he’ll go to Jerusalem to stand trial. Paul refuses and, instead, demands to have his trial heard by Caesar, himself. It’s yet another instance of political corruption in the book of Acts, one group seeking “favors” from a political leader, while that political leader is willing to grant the “favor” so he can extract something in the future. Through it all, Paul is caught in the middle. Yet, despite man’s corrupt and evil plans, God’s will never fails. It’s something Paul knows and trusts, and it’s something we can trust, too.