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We are prophets to the empire, not chaplains

This week, Dennis Allan continued our series by exploring what it means for followers of Jesus and the church to cultivate a prophetic voice in today’s culture. In the Hebrerw Scriptures prophets functioned as God’s spokespeople, speaking God’s words and communicating God’s will to God’s people. In the Gospels we see Jesus function in a prophetic role by speaking God’s words, living as God’s Word, communicating God’s will, and foretelling the future. And now, in our post-Pentecost world, every person is empowered by the Spirit to call God’s people back to covenant faithfulness, remind God’s people of their true citizenship in the Kingdom, prompt God’s people to return to right relationship with their King, and to declare to God’s people, the powers, and the powerful that the Kingdom is at hand. And, Jesus’ invitation is to take up this task even if it means sacrificing our reputations, finances, security, safety, or even our very lives. Because our neighbors and the world are searching for Jesus, and we don’t find Him inside a politcal party or by electing a particular candidate.