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This week Carrie Buckner continues our series on Acts, talking through Acts 23:12-22. It’s the story of a plan concoted by a group of Jewish religious zealots (or, Jewish nationalists) that reached to the highest levels of the Jewish religious system. The people to whom God entrusted His law and now openly planning to break… Read...
Jesus instructed His disciples to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. In Acts 22:22-29 (NIV) the apostle Paul is living these words. He was lynched in the Temple and then arrested and at no point did he fight back or physically defend himself. He was gentle. And now, he’s about to be tortured… Read...
Paul knows the Gospel crosses every boundary and eradicates racial and ethnic hatred. He’s given his life to proclaiming a Gospel that knits Jews and Gentiles into a new “family” rooted in Jesus. And yet, in Acts 21:37-22:22, when Paul tells a crowd of Jews who are zealous for the law that God sent him… Read...

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