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Peace in the Storm

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This week, Julia Allan walks through Paul’s story, just before he’s shipwrecked on his way to Rome in Acts 27. Paul, who first heard Jesus’ voice along the Damascus Road, heard from the Lord that everyone on the ship would survive the storm. Paul said… Read More »Peace in the Storm

God’s Will Never Fails

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This week, Pastor Shaq walks through Acts 25:1-12. Paul is now on trial for the third time, now before Festus. The Jewish leaders ask a “favor” of Festus – they want Paul transferred from Caesarea to Jerusalem because they’ve designed a plot to kill Paul.… Read More »God’s Will Never Fails

Love is the Antidote

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This week Carrie Buckner continues our series on Acts, talking through Acts 23:12-22. It’s the story of a plan concoted by a group of Jewish religious zealots (or, Jewish nationalists) that reached to the highest levels of the Jewish religious system. The people to whom… Read More »Love is the Antidote

Serpents and Doves

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Jesus instructed His disciples to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. In Acts 22:22-29 (NIV) the apostle Paul is living these words. He was lynched in the Temple and then arrested and at no point did he fight back or physically defend himself.… Read More »Serpents and Doves

An Elusive Dream

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Paul knows the Gospel crosses every boundary and eradicates racial and ethnic hatred. He’s given his life to proclaiming a Gospel that knits Jews and Gentiles into a new “family” rooted in Jesus. And yet, in Acts 21:37-22:22, when Paul tells a crowd of Jews… Read More »An Elusive Dream

What Kind of Christian Are You?

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This week Benjamin Chua walked through the story of Paul’s return to Jerusalem in Acts 21:17-25. Almost immediately after entering Jerusalem, Paul learns the church there is fiercely enthusiastic for the law, not Jesus. For the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem their belief wasn’t rooted in… Read More »What Kind of Christian Are You?

God’s Will for Your Life

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In Acts 21:1-16 Paul is en route to Jerusalem. He’s resolved in his heart after discerning through the Spirit this is where he’s supposed to go, even though he knows suffering and imprisonment likely await him there. In these sixteen verses we see people who… Read More »God’s Will for Your Life

Our First Love

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Pastor Shaq Hager continued our Acts series by discussing Acts 20:28-38, the second half of Paul’s speech to the Ephesian Elders. Paul believes this is the last time he’ll see these leaders he loves so much. It’s heartfelt and emotional. Paul knows these leaders will… Read More »Our First Love