The story of God and his people begins in a Garden (Genesis 2:8) and ends in a city (Revelation 21:1). In the garden, Adam and Eve live in perfect harmony and relationship with God, themselves, one another, and creation. They tend and cultivate the garden, building and creating culture, experiencing wholeness, safety, and security in God’s presence.
In the end, there will be a Heavenly city where God will live with his people again. He’ll wipe away all of our tears. He’ll put an end to death, and there will be no more mourning, crying, injustice, or pain. Everything that is broken will be healed. Every relationship will be reconciled. Every need will be met. Everything will be made new.
We live in between the garden and the City of God. We experience the brokenness of the world. The ways our relationships with God, each other, and creation have been disfigured are self-evident. We know deep in our bones this isn’t how things ought to be. So, we live today as ambassadors of that future city.
Our faith community is intended to be a signpost that points back to the garden and ahead to the Holy City and declares, “That’s how it’s supposed to be.” We know where all of human history is heading. We know where the story ends. And so, in our imperfections, we seek to embody that future and coming city here and now.