We see and recognize every person’s ethnicity, language, and culture as reflective of God’s image, beauty, and goodness. We aren’t color blind. We hear and listen to each other’s voices. We value and learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives. We fight racism and prejudice everywhere we encounter it.Inclusive
Nothing qualifies nor disqualifies us from being loved by Jesus. Every person can belong and is worthy of being known and loved exactly as they are, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or ability. Jesus tears down every wall that separates us from him and one another. Every person is welcome and has a place, because God wants his kids to come home.
We take up the work of personal and communal repentance, relational reconciliation, institutional reform, and cultural repair. We stand with those who have experienced injustice, and stand against any form of abuse. This is what it means to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
Every one of us is empowered to lead and live into the fullness of our gifting within the church regardless of our gender or age. Together, we are apostles (dreamers), prophets (revealers), evangelists (story-tellers), shepherds (healers), and teachers (equippers).
Jesus saw and addressed the spiritual and physical needs of people. We believe the church is to do the same today. Our financial model is simple and streamlined so that our resources can be allocated to meeting our and our neighbors’ spiritual and physical needs.
Jesus is the ultimate burden-bearer. He sacrificed his life, taking onto himself all of humanity’s brokenness. When we bear one another’s burdens, we imitate Jesus. We celebrate and rejoice together. We grieve and lament together.